Act for Freedom of Expression

Throughout history and across the globe, freedom of expression has been used to forge a path to change. Freedom from slavery or colonial rule. Women’s freedom to vote. Marriage equality. We’ve won all of these and more because we’ve come together to demand them.

But we can only live, love and work free from violence and discrimination if we have the freedom to speak our minds — to call out wrongs and make them right. Yet today, almost two thirds of the world’s population live in places where governments severely restrict expression. From laws banning anti-racism education in the USA to violent crackdowns on journalists in Afghanistan, people’s freedom to speak out for justice is under attack.  

At ARTICLE 19, we challenge these attacks, while strengthening systems worldwide to allow open, respectful and informed debate to flourish. We defend freedom of expression for all. And when you donate to us, you’re supporting your own right to have a say.

Why give to ARTICLE 19?

david kaye article 19

“For six years, as the UN’s principal monitor of global free speech issues, I turned first and always to ARTICLE 19: for intellectual leadership, legal research, policy guidance, connections to global activists, strategic thinking, and convenings. Simply put, there is no organisation worldwide that does more for freedom of expression, in a deep and focused way, than ARTICLE 19”

David Kaye –  UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, 2014-2020

Tackling hate speech worldwide

Our efforts to stamp out hateful, dehumanising speech is gathering pace. We’ve developed youth-focused training to counter religious discrimination in Malaysia and Myanmar; and produced an anti-hate speech toolkit for young people in Kazakhstan, Spain and Tunisia. In Belarus our persistence has paid off. Where once the Belarusian Association of Journalists refused to acknowledge that homophobia exists, today they’re actively challenging it in the media — using our resources.

Big win for global right to protest

After years of lobbying, our recommendations on the right to peaceful protest were included in new guidance set out by the UN Human Rights Committee. Issued in July 2020, the guidance is a powerful tool that activists and others can use to understand their rights when it comes to gathering and protesting for change — essential as push backs against peaceful assembly sweep the globe. 

Protecting LGBTQ+ expression

We partnered with Grindr to protect LGBTQ+ people in Egypt, Iran and Lebanon — where police can harass, torture and arrest you simply for being gay. Together, we introduced key changes, including a discreet app icon feature and a password security lock to prevent snooping. In 2020, Grindr rolled these features out globally. We have since extended this work with other dating apps, including Her.

What your money achieves

For every £1 raised:

76p is invested on international and regional advocacy and campaigning.
22p supports programmatic work including governance.
2p is used to raise funds.

These figures are taken from our expenditure in 2020

We’re committed to keeping our supporters informed and to being open and accountable for how we raise funds.  For more information contact us [email protected]

Learn more about Freedom of Expression

Other ways to donate

We are always very happy to receive donations in other ways such as by cheque. Please email [email protected] to organise this.