
We strive to deliver a site which is as inclusive and widely accessible to as many users as possible.

We continually look to improve our site and follow The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) W3C standards. Pages comply with a minimum standard of WCAG 2.0 single A guidelines but we strive to adhere to AA.


Where at all possible we add descriptive alt text to images so that users of screen readers can understand what the image is of.


We use PDFs for documents on our site which you can download. For more information about how to configure the free Adobe Reader software to get increased access to PDF files visit the Adobe site.


We use Vimeo and You Tube to host our videos. Where possible we provide them with the option to turn on closed captions or they are encoded into the video.

Accessibility Software

We utilise WP Accessibility Helper which can be accessed through an icon in the top left of each page on our site. When clicked on it expands to a menu where users can:

  • Resize the font and change the style
  • Ensure links are underlined or highlighted
  • Change and invert the colour
  • Greyscale the images

Font size adjustments in browser

Text size can be made bigger or smaller using the zoom controls in your browser. The below links provide guidelines for specific browsers

Apple Safari

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Feedback and Comments

We are constantly looking to improve the site and would welcome your input [email protected]