Senegal: Restore Walf TV’s licence and protect freedom of expression

Senegal: Restore Walf TV’s licence and protect freedom of expression - Media

Photo: Rachel Hinman / Flickr

We, the undersigned, express our profound concern regarding the decision of the Senegalese authorities to withdraw Walf TV’s licence, citing alleged incitement to violence. We consider this measure to be excessive and inconsistent with international standards for freedom of expression and the press.

Freedom of the press is a fundamental pillar of any democracy, ensuring the diversity and variety of media outlets. We call on the Senegalese government to reconsider this decision to revoke Walf TV’s license and to adhere to the principles that support freedom of expression.

The government has a responsibility to facilitate access to information and allow the dissemination of any information, activities, and public communication related to political events, especially elections. Suppressing a media outlet that covers a public event poses a serious threat to press freedom.

The withdrawal of Walf TV’s license may create a climate of self-censorship among media outlets out of fear of reprisals. A free and independent press is crucial to solidify the foundations of democracy. We strongly urge the Senegalese government to review this decision and ensure a diverse and open media environment.

Media plays a crucial role in representing the diversity of citizens’ opinions and political actors. Tolerance and diversity of opinions in the public space are key elements of a democratic society. We encourage the Senegalese government to promote a media environment where the plurality of voices is respected and protected.

We call on the Senegalese government to reaffirm its commitment to press freedom, ensure media diversity, and adhere to international standards on freedom of expression. Preserving these principles is essential for the strengthening of democracy in Senegal.


  • Amnesty International Senegal
  • ARTICLE 19 Senegal and West Africa
  • African Meeting for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO)
  • Senegalese League of Human Rights (LSDH)
  • AfricTivistes