ARTICLE 19, Associação Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor (PROTESTE), Instituto de Manejo e Certificacão Ambiental (Imaflora), and National Federation of Radialists (FITERT) welcome the opportunity to contribute to the third cycle of the UPR of Brazil. This submission focuses on Brazil’s compliance with its international freedom of expression obligations and is primarily based on information collected by ARTICLE 19 Brazil’s office.
In particular, this submission addresses:
- restrictive media legislation;
- misuse of defamation and desacato laws;
- violations of digital rights;
- violence against journalists, radialists, media workers and human rights defenders;
- violations of human rights during protests;
- violations of freedom of information concerning large-scale development projects
In all these areas, challenges remain since the last UPR and no real progress has been observed in relation to relevant recommendations.