United Kingdom

While protections for freedom of expression generally hold strong in the UK, recent developments justified on the grounds of national security are troubling. Overbroad surveillance powers undermine protections for whistleblowers, activists and journalists. Proposals to revise the Official Secret Acts threaten access to information,while calls for increased internet regulations and encryption restrictions have sent alarming signals to everyone working in the field. The vote to leave the European Union in 2016 has exacerbated xenophobia, and increased hate speech online and in media outlets has deepened concerns about a divisive press. Concentration of media ownership and the uncertain future of the UK’s legal framework for press self-regulation has led to a situation where the public’s right to access reliable information is regularly undermined.

UK: What is needed to protect freedom of expression for all
03.08.2023 3 min read

UK: What is needed to protect freedom of expression for all

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UK: Online Safety Bill must protect encrypted messaging
28.06.2023 3 min read

UK: Online Safety Bill must protect encrypted messaging

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UK:  Whistleblowers exposing national security issues must be protected
25.04.2023 5 min read

UK: Whistleblowers exposing national security issues must be protected

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UK: Publisher’s arrest is an assault on right to privacy and free speech
21.04.2023 3 min read

UK: Publisher’s arrest is an assault on right to privacy and free speech

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UK: Anti-SLAPP Coalition reiterates its support for Carole Cadwalladr
01.03.2023 4 min read

UK: Anti-SLAPP Coalition reiterates its support for Carole Cadwalladr

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UK: House of Lords must reject the Online Safety Bill
30.01.2023 13 min read

UK: House of Lords must reject the Online Safety Bill

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Boundaries of Expression podcast #FreeToProtest: Challenging the monarchy
25.01.2023 1 min read

Boundaries of Expression podcast #FreeToProtest: Challenging the monarchy

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UK: Criminal liability in the Online Safety Bill will threaten free speech
16.01.2023 4 min read

UK: Criminal liability in the Online Safety Bill will threaten free speech

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UK: Online Safety Bill threatens freedom of expression and privacy
16.11.2022 1 min read

UK: Online Safety Bill threatens freedom of expression and privacy

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