Belarus: Join the international day of solidarity with civil society and the human rights movement

Belarus: Join the international day of solidarity with civil society and the human rights movement - Protection


It’s been a long time since Human Rights were exclusively internal affairs of any particular state. Now they have a universal nature. Human rights defenders are those particles that allow the oxygen of freedom to flow throughout the organism of humanity.

A. Bialiatski “Mercury Silver of Life”

On August 4th 2012 the first International Day of Solidarity with Civil Society of Belarus ( ) took place in many countries around the globe. This celebration became an annual event.

On  August 4th 2014 we also appeal to those interested with Belarus and concerned with problems of its civil society to express their position with acts of solidarity to all Belarusian activists who live and work under the difficult conditions imposed by the regime. 

The power of Human Rights defenders is in international contacts and international solidarity 

“We will celebrate this day annually. Until the conditions of the civil society in Belarus will not change: until they stop putting to the prison people for human rights activities and until basic fundamental freedom are provided: freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and of association” (from the Manifest of Day of Solidarity).

We would like to expand the thesis of the past years “Solidarity is stronger than repression” with the support for young civil society activists in Belarus, whose activity risks pressure and confrontation with the authorities. Despite this situation in Belarus, there are plenty of strong civil organizations and initiatives, human rights defenders and activists that continue to work in the country to promote values of equality, non-violence and human rights. 

Actions of solidarity with Belarusian civil activists allow to express our support for their work and show to them that they are not alone in their struggle. To tell people from different countries about these fighting for freedom and to repeat in different languages: “Solidarity is stronger than repressions!”.

The International Day of Solidarity was launched to mark the day when in 2011 Ales Bialiatski, famous Belarusian human rights activist, was arrested. On June 21st, 2014 Ales was pardoned and returned to his human rights work after more than 1000 days of imprisonment.

At the same time the situation in Belarus has not changed during those past years. Belarusian authorities continue to regard their international obligations as purely declarative: the country still has death penalty, people continue to be thrown into prison on political motives, freedom of expression, association and assembly remain restricted.

We realize that there are countries with more complicated and more dramatic situations, than the one we have in Belarus. Yet, it is obvious that inertness of international institutions and states, their reluctance to raise issues of Human Rights in regards to Belarus leaves an impact on other countries.
In terms of this Solidarity with Civil Society of Belarus becomes even more important. 

At the website of the campaign you can see a suggested list of solidary actions. You can choose anything from this list or make up something on your own. Please inform the organizational committee of the actions taken.

Twitter: @soli_days