Online courses in Freedom of Expression and Trial Monitoring

Online courses in Freedom of Expression and Trial Monitoring

Online Course in Freedom of Expression

  • This course gives an overview of all components related to the right to freedom of expression, and its interrelations with national security and protection of journalists.
  • Each lesson gives an introduction to the topic, and outlines the key international, regional and national case law.
  • Chapters are built so to provide an introduction to the topics; references to the specific documents are provided to support learning.

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Online courses in Freedom of Expression and Trial Monitoring

Online Course in Trial Monitoring

  • To be “the eyes and the ears” of a trial: to monitor the conduct of judges and lawyers during a trial and assess whether the trial is  compliant with international human rights standards on fair trials.
  • To report  any violation of international human rights standards as observed during the trial  through broadcast, mobile, written or electronic communication channels.

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